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Cristobal Vila

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    3D CGI and Graphic Design

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  1. Corner Tool is a great one to create perfectly round/circular transitions from straight corners. But this other feature is a basic and much needed one when you need to reshape existing curves. For example working on fonts design or precise cad-type paths, maybe not so “organic/artistic” drawings. In fact, this feature I ask here is exactly like Adobe Illustrator work since the very beginning. In a much more recent release, Adobe decided to change the behaviour for the equivalent tool to make it exactly like it's in Affinity Designer. Then, lot of “old time” Illustrator users protested, and they finally decided to re-integrate the old behaviour as an option. This optional behaviour is now controlled by a Preference in lllustrator “Constrain Path Dragging on Segment Reshape” I think that Affinity could do even better, and simple allow to use a key modifier to change between the actual behaviour (which is great for certain situations) or pressing SHIFT, for example, to get that “Constrain Path Dragging on Segment Reshape” behaviour.
  2. Hi R C-R! Yes, you are right: this works like silk. Perfect! 🙂 Thank you very much, really appreciate your help.
  3. Hi R C-R Thanks for your suggestion. I'm on a Mac. I understand what you mean… I have my first preferred Language “Spanish” on that setting. And “English” is the second one. I prefer do not touch this, since it's a global setting, for the entire system. And there are lot of situations, with other apps, where I need Spanish to be my main/preferred language… Well, since we have the online help, in English, I will use that, better. Thanks again! 🙂
  4. I changed the language settings for app from Spanish to English, in Preferences / General. But this do not change the language for local Help docs (this remains Spanish) Is there some way to change this? (fortunately there is the online help, in English) Thanks!
  5. Well, lets make another BUMP in May 2020 (and attach the image, since my website changed hosting in 2019 and it doesn't appear in my first post)
  6. I'm a little embarrassed to ask, but is this already possible with AD 1.6.1? I don't find a way to do it...
  7. Thats is great news! :-D Looking for to try it once is available. If you could also take a look to this old feature request would be fantastic! Thank you so much for your effort.
  8. Thanks for your feedback, MEB :-) I hope so… some day… This functionality is an absolute “must” for precise drawing.
  9. BUMP! Is there some “magic” keystroke to achieve this? I'm trying on 1.5.5, without success. And this is a “must” for me… But maybe there is some trick I don't know? (apart from re-dragging out a node using the Pen tool, I mean…)
  10. Just a BUMP to this, since I don't see how I can achieve this feature using the latest 1.3.2 version. Another user, Nametag, is asking for same feature on this post (look to mov video shared on post #4 there) Maybe is there some hidden shortcut to get this that I'm not aware?
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