
Sabellidae (Family)
Malmgren, 1867
The Sabellidae are a family of polychaete marine worms, also called the ”feather duster worms”. The worms all have long clusters of tentacle like appendages called “radioles”. The cilia on these structures are used...
Sabellidae (Family)
Malmgren, 1867
The Sabellidae are a family of polychaete marine worms, also called the ”feather duster worms”. The worms all have long clusters of tentacle like appendages called “radioles”. The cilia on these structures are used...

Sabellidae (Family)
Malmgren, 1867

The Sabellidae are a family of polychaete marine worms, also called the  ”feather duster worms”. The worms all have long clusters of tentacle like appendages called “radioles”. The cilia on these structures are used to catch plankton and other small organisms.

Most Sabillidae live in a tube-like structure, which they either dig out or grow themselves by secreting it from their body (depending on the species).

Animalia - Annelida - Polychaeta - Palpata - Canalipalpata - Sabellida - Sabellidae

Ryan Photographic (x) - Raja Ampat, West Papua.

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