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Anacampseros retusa

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Photo by Pasquale Ruocco

The flowers by Giuseppe Distefano,

Author:  Karl von Poellnitz, 1929
Origin:  Namibia
Soil:  Grit
Water:  Medium
Sun:  Maximum
Thickness:  2 Centimetres
Height:  10 Centimetres
Flower:  Pale Pink
Propagate:  Seeds/Leaf 
Names:  -
Synonyms:  Anacampseros retusa subsp. lanuginosa, G.Will.

This member of the Portulacaceae family was described by Karl von Poellnitz in 1929. It is found in Namibia, growing in grit with little to some water and lots of sun. The stem-like caudex will grow up to two centimetres in diameter, the whole plant can grow up to ten centimetres in height. The flowers are white to pink.

The species name from the Greek word anakamptein, meaning 'to bend backwards' or 'restore', and Greek; eros; 'love'. The species name 'to return'.