Sunday 4 April 2010

Sigirya Rock World Heritage SIte via Pinawella Elephant Orphanage

After a delayed departure from Ranweli due to low tide and the ferry running aground in the creek we set off at 0900 for Pinawella on Saturday. The journey took us alongside paddy fields and through mahogany forests as we made our way in land to Pinawella. We arrived just in time to see the first party of elephants bathing in the river. Everyone managed to get up close to the elephants and one or two even managed to help with bathtime!

Our guide Upali had organised lunch at the riverside restaurant so everyone got a good veiw of the elephants as they bathed. After lunch we all went in to the orphanage to see the baby elephants being bottle fed and look at the elephants grazing.

We then had a long journey up to Dambulla where we then went to see the bhuddist caves. The local troop of monkeys alos proved to be highly entertaining.

At 5:45pm we arrived at our second hotel, the fabulous Cinamon Lodge Hotel. The students made a b-line for the pool and enjoyed the facilities on offer while the staff organised the first mas laundry.

SUNDAY 4 April - today started nice and relaxed - a climb up Sirigyra Rock - 200m high

Despite the mid morning temperatures fluctuating around 40 C everyone made it to the top and throroughly enjoyed the experience and the stunning views across The Cultural Triangle.

We spent the rest of the day back at the hotel by the pool and then played an intra squad match organised by Mr Dunn and Mr Gardner. The rules were rather strange but Harrogate Hurricanes came out on top depite the protestations of the Menston Maurauders captain. And so on to our second game - keep watching!

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