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Pedagogical scientist NA Muslimov studied the scientific and methodological basis of the formation of professional and pedagogical qualities in the future ...
carortflura, Due to innumerable cultural, social, and religious reasons, a game that looks completely acceptable in one territory might be disregarded once ...
''Links:'' /*** |Name:|RenameTagsPlugin| |Description:|Allows you to easily rename or delete tags across multiple ...
cult style is an etude-imagery. The degree of synchronization of motor ... izpolzwane na balgarskata versiq na lichnost- niq vaprosnick “Pette golemi ...
osobenosti na niakoi skokovi uprajneniya pri skachachi na daljina, Sport I nauka, Vol. 4-5. Miladinov, OM. (2006). New aspects in perfecting the long jump ...
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