" OR secure-9940", источник:
... secure . 9940 - Yet as he was finishing the novel Thackeray knew it was different . " I wish I had 6 months more to put into the novel , " he writes in a letter . Now it's nearly done it's scarce more than a sketch and it might have ...
" OR secure-9940", источник:
... secure . " 9940 On May 29 , 2010 , some 100,000 persons marched in Phoenix , Arizona , against SB 1070 , while 3,000 demonstrated in a similar fashion in front of the American embassy in Mexico City . Solidarity with Mexican and other ...
" OR secure-9940", источник:
... secure . 9940. Would it have been safer to go the whole hog and buy this farm out ? You know it is being done in Wales very generally , is it not ? -Yes ; but I might say I was not in charge of the farm at the time . I cannot say ...
" OR secure-9940", источник:
... secure . 9940. Would it have been safer to go the whole hog and buy this farm out ? You know it is being done in Wales very generally , is it not ? —Yes ; but I might say I was not in charge of the farm at the time . I cannot say ...
" OR secure-9940", источник:
... secure . 9940. Would it have been safer to go the whole hog and buy this farm out ? You know it is being done in Wales very generally , is it not ? -Yes ; but I might say I was not in charge of the farm at the time . I cannot say ...