... MM group . Each point rep- resents a week , with the net open interest plotted on the y - axis and the net number of ... associated with a net long ( short ) number of traders behind it these points are termed ' aligned ' . The ...
... nets The coarse - net collection of specimens of Rhithrogena 1-2 mm long is but 20 % of that of the fine net , in the next size group about 40 % ( table 4 ) . Doubtless these small nymphs pass through the coarse net . The catches of ...
Sixty Five Hours to get along. Sixty Five Hours to not kill each other. Sixty Five Hours to fall in love. ** First published in 2012. New Cover in 2019 - No additional content has been added.
... mm taken 31 August 1979 ( OS 6858 ) . These specimens have gonads visibly larger than those of smaller individuals . In addition , at least one of the allometric changes associated with sexual maturity is evident . The eyes of this 250 ...
... mm . group . The fact that the ratios are slightly greater than 1 probably is due to chance , as the smaller larvae have too feeble powers of locomotion to avoid the net . Lar- vae 5.75 mm . ( 5.26 to 6.25 mm . ) were 2.5 times as ...