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Alex is a tool designed to estimate health plan costs. You will be asked for information about your health care usage to create cost estimates.
MyAlex Web Login is a login system that's used by our most popular self-service website features so you don't have to keep track of multiple login accounts.
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Evaluation in man of fenclozic acid (I.C.I. 54,450: Myalex), a new anti-inflamatory agent. II. Clinical trial in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. T M ...
ALEX, the official PEBB benefits counselor, walks you through the process of picking your best benefits, and provides easy-to-understand explanations.
How should I prepare? You don't need to do much of anything. ALEX will ask you to estimate what type of medical care you might need this year.
ALEX is an easy-to-use online tool that's funny, speaks in plain English (not insurance-talk), and is available to help you figure out which benefits plans ...
An easy-to-use interactive benefits communication tool that will explain all your benefit options and help you figure out which plans will be best for you and ...
Before you make your benefit elections in Workday, be sure to spend a few minutes with ALEX at to make sure you're enrolling in a ...