... byu.edu/reader/reader.php?id=1779 ( accessed April 2007 ) . 18. Joseph William Billy Johnson quoted in E. Dale LeBaron , " We Felt the Spirit of the Pioneers , " http://www.byub.org/africa/testimonyi.asp ( accessed April 2007 ) ; see ...
... byub.org/ancestors/ The Association for Gravestone Rubbings: Some Gravestone Rubbings Do's and Don'ts http://www.gravestonestudies.org/faq.htm Blogger http://www.blogger.com Creative Memories http://www.creativememories.com/ CropMom ...
... byub.org/ancestors. 2. What obstacles did your ancestors face in this country? Compare your findings with those of classmates and look for similarities and differences. 3. Do research in your town archives to find local history that ...
... future generations. If so, I promise that your descendants will appreciate it. Best wishes with your ancestral quest! Appendix INTERVIEW GUIDES AND QUESTIONS Ancestors (www.byub.org/ancestors/charts; select “research questions”)
... org.uk/gs) • Ancestors (www.byub.org/ancestors) • Professional genealogist Diana Muir at www.dianamuir.com/ The experts all agree: pick the brains of your family and friends first, then use the Internet to go back in time and help fill ...
... byub.org/capturingpast Capturing oral histories is fun for the entire family . This site walks users through the four steps of interviewing family members . Cyndi's List cyndislist.com The consummate resource for genealogical research ...
... byub.org . Provided courtesy of BYU Broadcasting , Brigham Young University . The interviewer should normally start by asking for the person's name , age , and any other relevant background information such as place of birth ...
... byub.org/ ancestors/. KBYU (Television station: Salt Lake City, Utah); Brigham Young University. [Salt Lake City, Utah]: PBS 929.1072 CS16 Accompanying website to the two season PBS\BYU television series Ancestors, broadcast in 1997 and ...
... byub.org/ancestors/charts/oldpdf/checklist1.pdf . It could be argued that virtually any scrap of paper related to an individual has genealogical value . However , the list below is arranged in three groups . The first group lists items ...