"", источник:
... Avon). 1997;12(suppl 1):S1–S63. 40. Peng CW, Quirno M, Bendo JA, Spivak JM, Goldstein JA. Effect of intervertebral ... Torg JS, Pavlov H, Genuario SE, et al. Neurapraxia of the cervical spinal cord with transient quadriplegia. J ...
"", источник:
... Avon- J. Jefferies & Sons , Lim .......... Graving Dock Works , Forth Ship & Engineering Co. , Lim . ( Jeffrey's ... Torg 10 , Malmö A Lst w Nordstjernan " 3 , Stureplan , A ( 4 & 5 ) Be GLM S S Stockholm W Z Arcachon H. S. ...
"", источник:
... torg Mar. Nov. to 1 Feb. to25 Mar. vine , Laggan , Luce , Sorn , Ugie , Ythan , to 31 Jan. W. Cumberlnd 99 to31 Mar. 14 Nov. toro Mar. and rivers of Ork- ney , Harris , & l'ist . Ogmore 99 Clwyd & Elwy Axe 22 Avon ( Devon ) Camel Fowey ...
"", источник:
... torg'het ten . Torre del Greco , tor'ră del grå'ko . Torricelli , tor rê chěl'lē . Trieste , tre ěst ' . Tripoli ... AVON , flowing water ; as Avondale , the valley of the river . BAB , gate ; as Bab el Mandeb , the gate of tears ...
"", источник:
... Torg JS , Ruggiero RA : Comminuted epiphyseal fracture of the distal tibia : a case report and review of the ... Avon ) 18 : 166 , 2002 . Yde J , Kristensen KD : Ankle fractures : supination - eversion fractures of stage II ...
"", источник:
... avon , the river fide ; glán y dwr , the water fide ; ar y lán , on the shore . Cynt y cwrz dau zyn na dwy lan ... torg ) A leve- ret , or young hare ; a young wolf . Glasdwr , s . m . ( glas - dwr ) Milk and water drink . Glafzyz ...
"", источник:
... Torg JS, Barton TM: Natural history of the posterior cruciate deficient knee. Clin Orthop Relat Res 246:208–216 ... Avon) 15(3):176–187, 2000. Tria A, Klein KS: An illustrated guide to the knee, New York, 1991, Churchill ...
"", источник:
... Torg . -- Philadelphia : Lea & Febiger , 1981 . xiv , 300 p . : ill . 04NLM : WE 706 A871 1982 Cit . No. 8103824 ... [ Avon ] ; Boston : Wright - PSG , 1982. vii , 159 p . : ill . 04NLM : QT 260 M942i 1982 Cit . No. 8209380 Ocular ...
"", источник:
... Torg . Philadelphia Lea & Febiger , 1981 . xiv , 300 p . : ill . 04NLM : WE 706 A871 1982 Cit . No. 8103824 ( rev ... [ Avon ] ; Boston : Wright - PSG , 1982. vii , 159 p . : ill . Cit . No. 8209380 04NLM : QT 260 M942i 1982 Ocular ...
"", источник:
... Torg syndrome in a Saudi family . Al Aqeel A , et al . Am J Med Genet 2000 Jul 3 ; 93 ( 1 ) : 11-8 Identification of ... Avon ) 1999 Oct ; 14 ( 8 ) : 543-8 Alteration in alpha- and beta - adrenoceptor profile of rabbit knee joint ...