Poradnik do gry Close Combat: First to Fight zawiera kilka wskazówek, z którymi warto zapoznać się przed przystąpieniem do rozgrywki oraz kompletną i ilustrowaną solucję, tłumaczącą krok po kroku, jak grać aby wygrać.
... Close Quarters Combat ( CQC — укороченный карабин для ближнего боя ) , Standard ( STD — стандартная штурмовая винтов- ка ) и Long Barrel ( LB - снайперский вариант ) . К СВЕДЕНИЮ FN SCAR выполнена по схеме , очень похожей на устройство ...
In addition to these two types, the book describes the highly unorthodox Antonov An-71 with its tail-mounted rotodome (intended for operations from a large aircraft carrier which eventually never materialized) and the Kamov Ka-31 shipboard ...
From unassuming boy to a teenager in the company of saints, from a young meditation teacher to a revered spiritual Master, this book is a peek into the life of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, who brought about a profound shift in every sphere ...
This popular and highly-acclaimed series includes an abundance of photos, accurate line drawings, fascinating evaluations of aircraft design, and complete histories of aircraft manufacturers.