Method 3.
  1. Right-click on This PC, select "Properties" and click "Advanced system settings".
  2. Click "Settings" in the User Profiles section.
  3. Select the Default Profile and click "Copy To".
  4. Click "Browse" to save the User Profile folder to another location - an external disk.
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Windows built-in feature can assist you in migrating User Profile, follow the steps and try it on your own. Step 1. Open File Explorer. Step 2. Choose a new ...
Jul 4, 2022 · Press Windows + X keys on the keyboard, select Control Panel. Select System and Security and then System. Click Advanced System Settings.
Oct 6, 2021 · USMT or User State Migration Tool allows you to move the user profiles along with the data & configurations for each user when upgrading your OS.
Feb 23, 2024 · Navigate to C:\Users\[USERNAME]\ and copy over relevant folders: Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, Videos.
Aug 17, 2018 · User Profile Wizard will migrate your current user profile to your new user account so that you can keep all your existing data and settings.
1. Create a new folder named Documents at the target drive. · 2. Navigate to This PC > Local Disk (C:) > · 3. Right click on the Documents folder and select ...