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Translate "hermana mayor" from Spanish to English, older sister, . See word usage in contexts, conjugation and declension.
English Translation. older sister. More meanings for hermana mayor. eldest sister noun. hermana mayor.
A Hermano or Hermana Mayor is chosen and appointed by the Director and the officers of the association to serve for a year to coordinate the activities of the ...
older sister n (often used) · elder sister · big sister · oldest sister · bigger sister · eldest sister ...
hermana mayor noun a sibling's older sister. Your free, fast, and simple translation dictionary.
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In Spanish vocabulary, the term hermano mayor translates to an older brother. The hermano mayor in the Philippine context, however, is used to describe an ...
hermana mayor ; a. · older sister. Mi hermana mayor tiene dos años más que · elder sister is two years my senior. ; b. · elder sister. Esa chica que está a la ...
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The tradition of having Hermanos and Hermanas Mayores during festivals is a practice carried on from the Philippines whereby prominent citizens are chosen ...
Translation of "hermana mayor va" in English. hermana mayor · older sister big sister elder sister oldest sister eldest sister.