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◇「決める」のほうが口語的で広く用いられ、「買うことに決める」「腹を決める」「会長を決める」など、はっきり決定する、の意味で使われる。 また「技 (わざ) を決める」など、うまく決着をつける、の意味でも用いられる。 ◇「定める」は「学校制度を定める」「税制を定める」など、改まった言い方で文章語的といえる。
Verb · to decide to do something: to do something on purpose · to perform a maneuver, to carry out a tactical action. スクイズを 決 ...
1. to decide; to choose; to determine; to make up one's mind; to resolve; to set one's heart on; to settle; to arrange; to set; to appoint; to fix.
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Conjugation table for Japanese verb kimeru - to decide, choose 決める ; decide, choose! ;? Imperative, Plain, kimero 決めろ ;? Imperative · Polite, kimete kudasai
決める ... 決めました。 例文. I made my decision. ... It has been temporarily arranged―provisionally arranged―to do so. ... 判断を決めずにおく. ... あなたが決めて。
決める [kimeru] (to decide) conjugation ; Present informal tense · 決める. kimeru ; Past informal tense · 決めた. kimeta ; Imperative informal mood · 決めよ. kimeyo.
Common Word Combinations · テーマを決める. to decide a theme. 時間を決める. to decide on the time. ルールを決める. to decide on the rules · 自由に決める. to ...
Definition of 決める · to clinch (a victory); to decide (the outcome of a match) · to persist in doing; to go through with · to always do; to have made a habit ...
Definition of 決める. Click for more info and examples: きめる - kimeru - to decide, to choose, to determine, to make up one's mind, to resolve, ...
to decide,to choose,to determine,to make up one's mind,to resolve,to set one's heart on,to settle - Meaning of 決める, 極める, きめる, kimeru.