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Протопласт — содержимое растительной или бактериальной клетки, за исключением внешней клеточной оболочки, однако вместе с клеточной мембраной. Протопласт включает цитоплазму, ядро, все органеллы клеточную мембрану То есть протоплазму и мембрану. Википедия
Вопросы по теме
"Protoplast", источник: ru.wikipedia.org
Протопласт (от др.-греч. πρῶτος — «первый» + πλαστός — образованный, вылепленный и др.) — содержимое растительной или бактериальной клетки, за исключением ...
"Protoplast", источник: en.wikipedia.org
Protoplast is a biological term coined by Hanstein in 1880 to refer to the entire cell, excluding the cell wall. Protoplasts can be generated by stripping ...
Protoplasts are plant cells that have been stripped of their cell walls through the action of pectinases and cellulases. As described for the other plant ...
"Protoplast", источник: www.sciencedirect.com
Protoplasts are plant cells that have had their cell walls removed by treatment with cellulytic enzymes (Nagata and Takebe, 1970). They are analogous to yeast ...
"Protoplast", источник: nanocellect.com
Enriching plant protoplasts can be challenging due to their variation in size, fragility, and sensitivity to shear stress and osmotic changes. A successful sort ...
5 окт. 2021 г. · A protoplast refers to a spherical cell whose CW has been removed by digestive enzymes. The first protoplast isolations were developed in ...
"Protoplast", источник: www.britannica.com
In plant cells the protoplast, or living material of the cell, contains one or more vacuoles, which are vesicles containing aqueous cell sap. Plant cells are ...
"Protoplast", источник: plantmethods.biomedcentral.com
23 февр. 2021 г. · Protoplast isolation is an important first step in the protoplast regeneration protocol that determines protoplast yield and quality and also ...
26 июл. 2023 г. · The protoplast technology is an excellent method for creating a rapid and effective tool for transient expression and transformation assays, ...
"Protoplast", источник: www.protoplast.com
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