"- Balalaika", источник: en.wikipedia.org
The balalaika is a Russian stringed musical instrument with a characteristic triangular wooden, hollow body, fretted neck, and three strings.


Музыкальный инструмент
Балала́йка — русский народный трёхструнный щипковый музыкальный инструмент с корпусом треугольной формы. Характерными приёмами звукоизвлечения являются бряцание и тремоло — удары указательным пальцем по всем струнам одновременно. Википедия
Вопросы по теме
"- Balalaika", источник: www.britannica.com
Balalaika, Russian stringed musical instrument of the lute family. It is made in six sizes, from piccolo to double bass, and has a flat back and a ...
Balalaika is a melodic word. It is a word with rhythm, dynamics, tone. It bounces off the tongue like lyrics, concluding with a resounding last syllable (a ...
"- Balalaika", источник: www.handcraftedworldinstruments.com
Оценка (6) · 299,00 $
This Roosebeck Balalaika Prima has the traditional 3 strings and measures approximately 27 inches in length. The scale length is 430 mm.
Видео по запросу "- Balalaika"
Продолжительность: 2:34
Опубликовано: 16 янв. 2017 г.
"- Balalaika", источник: simple.wikipedia.org
The balalaika is a musical instrument from Russia. The Balalaika family includes the piccolo balalaika, prima balalaika, sekunda balalaika, alto balalaika, ...
Видео по запросу "- Balalaika"
Продолжительность: 2:41
Опубликовано: 10 февр. 2011 г.
"- Balalaika", источник: www.handcraftedworldinstruments.com
Оценка (3) · 319,95 $ · В наличии
This Roosebeck Deluxe Russian Balalaika Prima measures approximately 27 inches in length. Deluxe models feature larger Position Markers on the Fret Board, ...
"- Balalaika", источник: sites.duke.edu
The Balalaika is a Russian stringed instrument developed in the 18th century. It derived from the dombra, or domra, a three-stringed lute played in Russia and ...
"- Balalaika", источник: www.amazon.com
9,95 $
LP ... Only 1 left in stock - order soon. ... Record is showing some wear. The sleeve has wear on the edges. Shipped the next business day! We own a small family ...